Konrad Klocek


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About Me

I'm programmer interested in game development and programming in general. I currently work at PixelAnt Games, as Software Engineer. Also I'm a lecturer at AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, where I teach game development. I graduated from AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, in Computer Science (MSc and BSc). I'm interested in history of gaming and I do many interesting things ;) .

Professional Projects

Tide Continuous Load Testing Tool

While I worked in Erlang Solutions we develop unique solution - Continuous Load Testing Tool for load test MongooseIM XMPP server. It's a web application where user can manually run test on specific MongooseIM version (including pull requests versions), upload own scenario. Whole application is integrated with GitHub and TravisCI. I was responsible for exteding AMOC framework (framework for load testing, written in Erlang), integration with TravisCI, GitHub, Grafana and some parts of web application (developed with Phoenix Framework, Elixir).

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Side-projects & selected talks


Game Industry Conference 2020 talk - Determinism in game programming

From conference site:
Have you ever spotted inconsistent game behaviour on different devices? Are you tired of sending a lot of data to keep your multiplayer game state in sync? Or maybe you have wondered about a simple replay system? This talk focuses on the importance of determinism in game simulation - what is it, when it is useful, and how to solve mentioned problems with this simple concept. Additionally we will talk about problems in applying this kind of solution into our game.

Presentation slides

More info at conference site


Reaper Repair (2020)

Our entry for Global Game Jam 2020 (KrakJam). Simple typing game, where you're a repairer of reapers. Made with a teammate - Miss Scraps

Play here!

FireVR Sim

FireVR Sim

FireVR Sim is a prototype of firefighting educational simulator where we are a firefighter in 3 scenarios:

  1. fire in the barn
  2. entering into the building
  3. car accident
Each scenario consists of decisions which we have to select in limited time.
Application works with Google Cardboard (VR mode), and normal displays (non-VR mode, without gyroscope).

It's a prototype, developed as a master thesis("User-centered design for a low-cost firefighting simulator using virtual reality"). Made with Unity, available on Google Play.

Play here!

Watch YouTube demo from GIC conference


Game Industry Conference 2018 talk - Designing a simulator for firefighters with low-cost VR

In October 2018 I gave a talk at Game Industry Conference in Poznań about my master's thesis outcome. Mainly I was focused on design and UX issues and attempts to solve them.

Presentation slides

More info at conference site


Catpetition (2018)

Our Slavic Game Jam 2018 entry, the theme was "competition". Developed in team of 3 devs. Game is a co-op platformer, where you have to cooperate with you teammate to defend angry chicken. Made with Unity.

Play here!

Edugame Edugame

EDUGAME platform (2017-2018)

My enginneers' thesis - "Educational Game Framework".
Simple game engine wrapper built on top of libGDX (Java game engine), where you can make visual novels with player movement. User has only to edit configuration files (in JSON,over 70 parameters to change) to make another game. Also user can export whole project to Android OS. Made by 3 developers.

YouTube demo #1 - education game about chatting with strangers

YouTube demo #2 - our "Makbet" interpretation as simple visual novel


Pixel Beer Fever (2017)

This is a little game, which was originally entry for #LOWREZJAM 2016 game jam. After jam I spend some time to finish it, and as effect I published it in Google Play. It's a simple Tapper clone - you are a waiter who serves beers for thirsty clients. All project (incl. assets) made by me. Game could be very addictive ;). Available on Google Play, source code on GitHub.

Play here!

Source code


GravityTGK (2017)

Project for game development course at AGH-UST. Space FPS, where bullets are affected by gravity. Made with Unity, by 2 developers



SOcCerr (2015)

Project for "Operating systems" course at AGH-UST. Simple terminal pen soccer implementation in C, for 2 players by network. Written in C, with usage of BSD sockets.


Work Experience

All my up-to-date experience can be found on Linkedin